Archive for October, 2016

The Art of Agelio Batle

Friday, October 7th, 2016

batle-cover-layoutAgelio Batle’s art is based on humanism: the figure and nature are often his inspirations. Whatever the subject, it is liberated from convention by his spirituality and radical transformation of materials. The artist delights in discovering the potential of unusual materials—often cast offs: found photos, plastic milk cartons, discarded reference books, etc. Examples of Agelio’s art are illustrated in this publication. You can see the talent, the vitality, the skill, the adventure. What you have to imagine is the man himself. He is a true seeker, an explorer, a remarkable inspiration to others as an artist, husband, teacher, and father. In addition to his steady creation of unique works, Agelio has invented a graphite product carried by hundreds of museums and shops. He has been commissioned by many creative companies to produce objects of wonder.

  • ISBN – 10:0-692-74976-4
  • Published by Fine Arts Press
  • Author: Claire Carlevaro
  • Format: soft cover
  • Dimensions: 7.5″ x 10″
  • 48 page plus cover / 32 illustrations
  • Publication year: 2016
  • soft cover price: $20.00
  • order number: FAP-136-S
Order The Art of Agelio Batle soft cover @ $20.00