Archive for June, 2015

Charles Smith: Black Hands / I am

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015

Smith-catal-cover-for-webCharles Smith’s work in ceramics, which is typically marked by a very powerful rhythm of uniquely executed sgraffito, includes both functional and non-functional primitively fired forms, as well as sculpture. His work has been celebrated in several written works, such as the article entitled “Alabama Travels” by Gerry Williams for “The Studio Potter” and most recently in the seminal reference of Alabama artists: “Alabama Masters Artists and Their Work.” A portion of his exhibition record includes: “Uncommon Beauty in Common Objects: The Legacy of African American Craft Art,” several locations, 1993; American Craft Museum, New York City; Smithsonian, Washington, D.C., as well as a myriad of venues in the Southeastern part of the United States. His work is included in both important private and public collections with examples being in the permanent collection of his hometown museum at the prestigious Mobile Museum of Art.

  • ISBN – 978-1-893174-19-1
    Published by the Mobile Museum of Art
  • Author: Paul W. Richelson
  • Format: soft cover
  • Dimensions: 9″ x 12″
  • 48 page plus cover / 22 full page color plates
  • Publication year: 2015
  • soft cover price: out of print
  • order number: FAP-134-S