River of Destiny:
The Life and Work of Binh Pho

river_of_destinyRiver of Destiny: The Life and Work of Binh Pho presents the art and story of an important Vietnamese-American artist. A leading figure in the new international movement in contemporary wood sculpture, Binh Pho utilizes modernist approaches to painting and sculpture to create bold new work that bridges the decorative arts with concerns for narrative and concept traditionally associated with contemporary art.

In his text, author and curator Kevin Wallace explores the connections between Binh Pho’s life experiences and his work. Tracing the artist’s inspiration back through Vietnamese and familial history, the narrative shares the artist’s struggle to follow his family to the U.S. following the Fall of Saigon, which included attempted escapes and time spent in a Communist “reeducation camp.”

Published in conjunction with a 2005 exhibition at the Long Beach Museum of Art, this publication presents a story of family, friendship, dreams, struggles, love and the intersection of life and art. Throughout the book, stunning reproductions of Pho’s artwork illustrate and illuminate his life story.

  • softcover ISBN – 0-9729361-3-0
  • hardcover ISBN – 0-9729361-3-0
  • published by the Long Beach Museum of Art, California
  • text by exhibition curator Kevin Wallace
  • format: softcover and clothbound with dustjacket
  • dimensions: 9.25” x 9.25”
  • 88 page plus cover / 72 color plates
  • publication year: 2005
  • softcover: $32
  • hardcover: $45
  • order number: softcover: FAP-111-S / hardcover: FAP-111-H
  • limited edition box set with original work of art: FAP-111-L
River of Destiny
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1Softcover$32.00Band 1
2Hardcover$45.00Band 1
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