The Art of Vivika and Otto Heino

vivika_and_ottoThe Art of Vivika & Otto Heino documents the lives of two leading figures in 20th century ceramics. As teachers, they exerted a major influence on the work of generations of makers. As artists, their work has been prominently featured in hundreds of exhibitions, honored with innumerable awards, and now forms an essential part of the craft collections in dozens of museums. But, as Eudorah Moore, Founder and Director of the California Design Exhibitions, has pointed out, “Over and beyond the work, their great distinction was the early visibility they gave to the crafts, revealing the crafts as a way of life.”

This elegant publication catalogues a traveling exhibition drawn from two simultaneous exhibitions: one at the Craft & Folk Art Museum, Los Angeles, celebrating the six decades of the Heinos’ life and work together; the other at the Ventura County Museum of History & Art, focusing on work created by Otto Heino since 1995. The Art of Vivika & Otto Heino presents a body of work that expresses a cumulative, intuitive knowledge of beauty, form and process, embracing both European and Far Eastern traditions.

  • softcover ISBN – 0-9729361-3-0
  • hardcover ISBN – 0-9729361-3-0
  • published by the Ventura County Museum of History and Art, California
  • text by exhibition curators Kevin Wallace and Tim Schiffer
  • format: hard cover
  • dimensions: 9.25” x 9.25”
  • 88 page plus cover / 72 color plates
  • publication year: 2005
  • order number: FAP-110-S
The Art of Vivika and Otto Heino
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