Sandy Swirnoff: Knotted Fiber Jewelry

swrinoff-fap-coverIn this publication, you will discover knotting at its highest level; refined work that gives new meaning to the word macramé. You will also see a sophisticated and imaginative sense of design and a subtle use of color. In this labor-intensive, delicate work, Sandy Swirnoff draws on a deep and intuitive creative drive, supported by serious study with well-known teachers. Swirnoff expresses a unique sensibility in this unusual art form and has created settings perfectly in synch with glass jewels by Tiffany, Daume, and Gallé in style, color, refinement, and appropriateness. She has not just rescued art-glass shards. She has given them life as new works of art, synergistically melding the work of two artists, in two mediums, across two centuries—an accomplishment of great skill and inventiveness.

  • ISBN – 10:0-9885787-7-8
    Published by Mingei International Museum
    Author: Karen Searle
    Format: soft cover
    Dimensions: 9″ x 11″
    76 page plus cover / 62 color plates
    Publication year: 2016
    price: $22.98
    order number: FAP-138-S